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CoboChat Release 1.1

Small Update

Fixed timezone bugs so now they should be correct and up to date. Along with this, embedding has been added, so make sure to send your favorite posts to your friends via the URL to see the epic awesome cool new update in action. Thanks to foz and john for making these changes!

CoboChat Version 1.1

CoboChat Version 1.1 is now live with groundbreaking new features such as images on posts, liking, and disliking. Share your love (or disgust) towards anyone's post, and upload images to spice up the chat. The freedom is yours. But again... please dont get me investigated... tysmm

Welcome to CoboChat!

Welcome, everyone, to CoboChat, the internet's hottest place for doomscrolling. If you can post, congrats, you are part of the very tightly-nit community that makes CoboChat function. Post life updates, your favorite cheesecake recipe, or personal opinions; literally whatever floats your boat. Be a decent human, don't put others down, and respect everyone. So, that means no slurs, hatespeech, or anything that intentionally targets a specific person or group of individuals. DO NOT get me interrogated by the fbi PLEASE so no government documents or that stuff thank you. Happy coboposting!